Mark 16:15
If you want to make Jesus your Lord and savior, repeat the following prayer loudly.
Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner and I ask for your forgiveness. I believe that you died for my sins, and that you rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and ask you to come into my heart and life I will trust you and follow you as my Lord and savior. In your name, Amen.
John was a confessed atheist, frequent drug user and a heavy drinker. He hated the word of God and everything to do with religion. To the point he would not socialize with anyone that believed in any religion. On September 9, 1999 he had an encounter that would change his life. On that day he was asked to go to a prayer meeting at his parents’ house. Out of respect for his parents he went but he was high and drunk and laughed the whole-time during prayer. He was asked if he would like to be prayed over and only out of amusement he accepted. He sat in the chair and five people began to cry out to the Lord for him and then a word of knowledge came forth and the wall that John had built over his whole life fell. As the wall fell the Holy Spirit rushed and started cleaning house from anger, lust, bitterness, and drunkenness. He was changed from that moment forward and finally had joy that could only come by the presence of God in his life. Six months later after being on fire for God he had a personal encounter with God and was told to preach the Gospel to all nations. He has been anointed with the gifts of healing, signs and wonders, and words of knowledge.
Over the years John has seen the blessings of God for being obedient to the word of God. He has seen generational curses broken because of that one night he asked Jesus to come into his life. Because of his obedience God placed his wife of 23 plus years, Soma, into his life and their children.
John is a walking testimony of the faithfulness of God. John has witnessed breakthroughs, and miracles throughout his walk with God. But the most important is when he can witness or be part of people’s lives being changed when they give their lives to Jesus.
Soma was Born and raised in a Christian Family. Her father was a pastor and growing up she had seen the faithfulness in her parents’ life and their stewardship as the servants of God. It was not until 1993 when Soma had her first encounter with God and gave her life to Jesus. She was radically transformed and for the past 30 years, Soma has devoted her life to serve Christ with all her heart. She is a prayer warrior and is hungry to grow closer in relationship with Jesus. She continually desires to be a useful vessel in God’s Kingdom.
Soma’s ministry began with her family and children. When she was a new mother, she prayed and taught her children how to be faithful and firm on God’s Word. Though, her children are now young adults she continually prays for them and teaches them the way of the Lord. Soma responded to God’s call and authored a simple devotional for mothers to be the mothers’ that God has called them to be. Her heart is for the women and children and accepts the calling that God has put on her life.
Few Journals, a devotional and some of Soma’s Favorite book